Timothy Cole, Jr.

Warrant Officer Tim Cole served his country with dignity, honor, and valor in Vietnam, flying over 800 missions and evacuating over 1600 wounded personnel. Tim was a dedicated pilot who earned the Silver Star, 5 Distinguished Flying Crosses, the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry, the Purple Heart, and multiple Air Medals during his 9 months in combat. Tim was assigned to the 45th Medical Company (AA) in early 1968 and shortly became an Aircraft Commander in the war-torn III Corps Tactical Zone. A typical mission found Tim and his crew swiftly responding, landing in a hot landing zone, ignoring hostile fire, and saving multiple Soldiers in harm’s way. His flying abilities as a highly decorated DUSTOFF pilot immediately became legendary. Tim was transferred to the 54th Medical Detachment (HA), which was short of pilots, and only a few days later, was mortally wounded by hostile fire. He always gave freely to others without regard for his own safety. Tim will always be remembered as one of the greatest DUSTOFF pilots. Tim Cole was inducted into the DUSTOFF Hall of Fame on 21 February 2009.
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