Membership in the DUSTOFF Association is open to anyone, active duty, National Guard, Army Reserve, or retired that is serving (or has served) with an Army air ambulance unit. While the Association is primarily made up of pilots, crew members (flight medics, crew chiefs, door gunners), and flight surgeons, membership is open to anyone who actively supported in any capacity aeromedical evacuation programs in war or peace.
Four Reasons to Join Today
- Membership puts you in the elite status of belonging to a truly professional organization.
- You will receive our professional newsletter with the interesting stories about DUSTOFF activities.
- You get to come to the Association reunions and meet new DUSTOFFers and renew old acquaintances.
- You will be helping perpetuate the DUSTOFF spirit by contributing to the Association’s projects such as: memorials, plaques, and items in the AMEDD Museum.