Taking the Association to the Warriors!
Make plans now to attend Reunion 2021! No one appreciates the work DUSTOFF does more than the Infantryman, so we are proud to be visiting their home at Fort Benning.

Host Hotel
The DoubleTree Hilton located at 5351 Sidney Simons Boulevard is the host hotel for the 2021 Reunion. Special rates for March 30 – April 5 are available now. Use block code “DUS” or click below to book online.

Ranger Graduation
A highlight of the 2021 Reunion will be a visit with the Fort Benning Army Air Ambulance Detachment, and the opportunity to attend the Ranger Graduation Ceremony. The local DUSTOFF unit is a major supporter of training at Fort Benning, and performs a demonstration during the ceremony.
After graduation we will visit the unit, interact with their Warriors, and present DUSTOFF Association Coins to them.
Special Events