Each year at the DUSTOFF Reunion an election is held at the business meeting on Saturday Morning – IAW our bylaws those present constitute a quorum – this year’s meeting is a different situation given the EXTREMELY low numbers in attendance.
If you are an active life member of the DUSTOFF Association and would like to serve as a Member at Large or the VP of the Association (the VP is the President-elect for the following year) – come up on the net and communicate that to the Executive Director via email – the other qualification is that you are willing to be an active participant in the voting and decision-making activities of the Executive Council that you become a member of.
Email to: executivedirector@dustoff.org
Congressional Gold Medal Bill Signed by POTUS
After many years of “walking the halls” and “sending letters” and educating our representatives and senators in Washington D.C., the President signed into law the