Ron “Huey” Huether

LTC Ronald (HUEY) Huether spent all but one assignment in AMEDD aviation positions working to mentor junior aviators. He is a Master Aviator with 5,500 hours flight time, qualified in: UH-1, OH-58, T-42, U-21, C-12, and numerous civilian aircraft and holds an Airline Transport Pilot’s rating. After flight school he went to Vietnam earning the Silver Star, multiple Distinguished Flying Crosses, numerous Air Medals, a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart. Committed to the Kelly legacy, he performed hundreds of missions under enemy fire and is credited with saving hundreds in Cambodia and Vietnam. On 8 Feb 71, he responded to an urgent call from a platoon under enemy fire with half the unit already killed or wounded. Positioning his aircraft above the platoon he attempted hoisting the most severely wounded but was hit in the helmet by an enemy bullet. Regaining aircraft control he made an emergency landing of the disabled aircraft. He was the first medical aviator qualified with AN/AVS-6 NVGs and developed equipment requirements for the UH-60 air ambulance. Ron “Huey” Huether was inducted into the DUSTOFF Hall of Fame on 13 April 2013.


Curtis Autry Laird, Sr.

Curtis Autry Laird, Sr. Curtis Autry Laird, Sr., a cherished resident of Dayton, TX, passed away peacefully at home on December 4, 2024, surrounded by

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