SFC (Later CWO) Louis R. Rocco, Advisory Team 162, MACV, Vietnam, was awarded the Medal of Honor for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action northeast of Katum, 24 May 1970. He volunteered to accompany a medevac team to evacuate eight critically wounded ARVN personnel. Approaching the landing zone, the helicopter became the target for intense enemy fire. He identified and placed suppressive fire on the enemy positions. Sustaining major damage, the aircraft crashed, causing him to sustain a fractured wrist and hip and a severely bruised back. He extracted the crew from the burning wreckage and, ignoring intense enemy fire, carried each unconscious man across 20 meters of exposed terrain to the ARVN perimeter. Once inside the friendly position, he administered first aid to his comrades until his wounds caused him to collapse and lose consciousness. His bravery under fire and devotion to duty were directly responsible for saving three of his fellow soldiers from certain death. SFC Rocco was inducted into the DUSTOFF Hall of Fame on 17 February 2001.