Sergeant First Class (Retired) George W. Hildebrandt epitomizes the best in the Army and Medical Aviation and the DUSTOFF tradition. From his early days as a ground medic, flight medic, and as a DA Civilian in the Office of Medical Evacuation Concepts and Capability Development (MECCD), George is a world-class contributor to the legacy of DUSTOFF. A veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq (later wounded by an improvised explosive device) he was awarded the 2002 DUSTOFF Association Crewmember of the Year and the 2005 Rescue of the Year. He was the key architect for the transformation of the Joint En Route Care Course and the Critical Care Flight Paramedic Course, which are now the standard of care for the Joint Force. George’s historic impact on the DUSTOFF mission is arguably unsurpassed by all modern era Enlisted crewmembers. For his unsurpassed innovations, combat service in multiple theaters, and a lifetime service to the nation, George Hildebrandt was inducted into the DUSTOFF Hall of Fame on 18 Feb 2023.