Message from your Executive Director

For the last 27 years I have have been decisively engaged in the management, direction, execution, documentation, and planning of this great Association. It is time to make some changes for the good of the future of this organization. Your current President, John McMahan, and I have been working on some re-organization and re-alignments in the Association leadership. These are being made so that there is continuity in the various functions of the Association and preventing what I call a “Single Point of Failure.” By that comment I mean that far too much of this Association’s functions reside with me. Over time, I’ve taken on and expanded the tasks that I accomplish. These have all been a labor of love and my willingness to serve you, the family of DUSTOFF. I’m not in poor health. This is not predicated upon my Closed Flight Plan.

However, there must come a time when de-centralization of the functions of the Association must occur. Therefore, John has found several volunteers who will take on several of the task (major muscle groups) of the Association. First, Jack Leech, has stepped up to take on the role of Treasurer. Those files and the accounting software will soon reside with Jack.

Next, Brian Almquist has stepped up to take on a new role of Membership. Those functions and the inherent task of recruiting and retention come with that position. Further, I’m sure that Brian will have an impact on continuing to make this Association relevant to current active duty DUSTOFFers.

Khris Willis has stepped up to take on the role of DUSTOFF Store Manager. He along with Chris Wingate are re-designing the application for ordering items in the store as well as developing partnership with “print on demand” companies. This will drastically reduce the “footprint” of the store and reduce on-hand inventory without loss of availability of those items.

Lastly, and most importantly, John McMahan has stepped up and agreed to serve as your next Executive Director. I have known John and his passion, vision, and work ethic since he was a young Major and serving as the DUSTOFF Association Secretary many years ago. I believe that John is strategically located and available to “Continue the March”. He has been voted in to the position of the Executive Director by unanimous vote of the Executive Council in accordance with our Constitution and By-Laws. John will officially take the position at the Awards Banquet at the 2023 DUSTOFF Association Reunion.

To say it’s been an honor to serve you simply doesn’t go far enough when I express my gratitude for the opportunity to serve as your Executive Director for all these years. I am grateful for the trust placed in me to have the latitude and authority to execute so much of the Association’s affairs. This Association stands as the keeper of the legacy. The spirit of Charles Kelly lives on in you. My passion has always been to keep that legacy alive and vibrant and to simultaneously honor the selfless service of the legions of DUSTOFFers who answered the call, 24/7/365, regardless of the risk involved.

I am not going anywhere – I’ll still be a member of the Executive Council as a former President. I will, however, be in a supporting role to the Executive Director and Council.

Proud to Serve

Dan Gower


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