First, I’d like to recognize and thank COL Dave Zimmerman for his unwavering commitment to so many 67J Soldiers and their families. It’s difficult to fully capture the true impact he’s had on this proud enterprise; however, we can all attest to the fact that Dave was all-in. For that we say thank you. Your mentorship and friendship to our community have set us up to be competitive and relevant, as the Army and Army Aviation enter another period of transformation. We pray that in your own transition, you can know that it was a job well done. We have the controls.
Secondly, my name is Nate Forrester, and I bleed DUSTOFF blood. it’s an absolute honor and privilege to serve as your next Consultant to the Army Surgeon General. COL Sam Fricks (Director, MECCD) and COL Scott Farley (Commander, Ft Knox MEDDAC) will support as deputy consultants. We will continue to build upon the tremendous team that is in place, while exposing and integrating new leaders within our DUSTOFF community. We are committed to serving this team and look forward to seeing you in the field. Please feel free to contact me at any time to address concerns and bring solutions to the table. The officers, NCOs, and enlisted Soldiers on our teams are the best in the world, and this community is in good hands.
The Consultant team will focus on leader development and mentorship programs, training, and education to be prepared to respond and integrate into the Army of 2040 and beyond (to include both ground and air evacuation), and to ensure our acquisition teams and program managers remain nested with Future Vertical Lift and other Cross-Functional Teams. Our 67Js remain highly competitive for promotions, senior service college, CGSC, and command selections. This year’s MEDEVAC Command Panel is scheduled for the end of the year and will result in nine MEDEVAC commands filled for FY24.
DUSTOFFers continue to set the standard and lead in Army Aviation, MEDCOM, and now throughout the Defense Health Agency. Please continue your thoughts and prayers for our flight crews serving abroad. Stay safe, and I look forward to seeing you at the next reunion.
COL Nate Forrester (931.802.3509)