Jimmy Johnson

Jimmy Johnson was an extraordinarily accomplished enlisted /officer medic. After a tour as a combat medic in Vietnam, he volunteered for DUSTOFF duty. On a night mission during a tropical storm in mountains, he flew 9 hours loading and treated scores of wounded under constant enemy fire. Jimmy volunteered to go back again and again despite the fact that the Aircraft Commander used 3 pilots and 2 Crew Chiefs to complete the missions. On another mission when the pilot was severely wounded, Jimmy quickly pulled the pins on the seat and treated the pilot’s wounds saving his life. He participated in 800 missions treating over 2,000 patients who would not have survived without his bravery. He was later commissioned an Army Nurse and continued to care for patients in the Gulf War and all over the world. Jimmy’s service to the American Soldier in peace and in combat, as an enlisted and as an officer is truly unique. Jimmy Johnson was inducted into the DUSTOFF Hall of Fame on 20 February 2010.
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